In my reading this week, these two thoughts have been rattling around in my head. I am wondering how they are connected, if they are and where will they take me.
Joseph Campbell in Pathways to Bliss, Mythology and Personal Transformation says
There lives in us, says Durchheim, a life wisdom. We are all manifestations of a mystic power: the power of life, which has shaped all life, and which has shaped up all in our mother’s womb. And this kind of wisdom lives in us, and it represented the force of this power, this energy, pouring into the field of time and space. But it’s a transcendent energy. It’s an energy that comes from a realm beyond our powers of knowledge.
In Ecopsychology: Eight Principles, Theodore Roszak says
If ecopsychology has anything to add to the Socratic-Freudian project of self-knowledge, it is to remind us of what our ancestors took to be common knowledge: there is more to know about the self, or rather more self to know, than our personal history reveals. Making a personality, the task that Jung called “individuation,” may be the adventure of a lifetime. But every person’s lifetime is anchored within a greater universal lifetime…the needs of the planet are the needs of the person, the rights of the person are the rights of the planet.
I feel like these are both saying the same thing. What is present in the seed to create a tree, or a human is the energy of the universe. How can I use this without feeling very small and insignificant?